Sunday, September 16, 2007

Finding Balance

I need to make a decision. A lifestyle change.
Every single week, I go to work, come back at 2000hrs, sleep at 2200hrs, wake up at 0600hrs, go to work.... gosh this goes on for the whole week. Come Saturday, it is breakfast with parents in the morning, lazing around in the afternoon, dinner with parents at night. This seldom fails. Come Sunday, it is Church in the morning, lazing around in the afternoon, dinner with parents at night. Again, this seldom changes.
It is not that I don't enjoy spending time with the parents, but I am beginning to feel that my life is too routine, too by the schedule, too boring to say the least.
That's it. I want change.
Starting tomorrow. I'm not going to stay back to work till late unless absolutely necessary. I do not think it is unprofessional to leave before everyone else does. It is just a stupid psychological game to see who'll leave the office first, like those who leave last would have scored brownie points with the boss or something. Stupid. I won't be part of anything stupid. I'm leaving at 1800 at the latest.
I must be disciplined enough to go to the gym at least 3 times a week. I must not forget that I'm still fat fat fat.. and I need to do something about it.
I must do something fun at least once a week, something that I would look forward to, something that need not happen just in the weekends. I NEED A LIFE.
So that's that, I need to enforce some changes if I ever want to see a change in my lifestyle. Work is not my life and it never will be, unless I'm fortunate enough to find a job that I'm passionate about.
I'm not trying to be melodramatic or anything but if I do die tomorrow, the last thing I want to be remembered for is the stack of unfinished work on my desk, or "yes, I remember FD, he is the guy that always stays very late in the office." That would be a seriously bleak and depressing eulogy.


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