Monday, September 29, 2008

TARGET SET - WEEK 12 (Final)

Weight: 102Kg
CP for week 11: 10%
Reflection: This week was a very bad week. I went to gym twice but I broke so may rules. Often several rules in a single day. I am not surprised I gained 1 Kg. I'm going to list out all the infractions for the entire week....
  1. Had a Japanese buffet and over ate.
  2. Has a full sized snickers candy bar.
  3. Had carbohydrates for dinner for 5 out of 7 days.
  4. Had a Korean hot pot dinner which I over ate again.
  5. had 2 red bean ice-cream on sticks.
  6. Had 3 heavy lunches.
  7. Had one snickers ice cream bar.
  8. Had one caramel almond pretzel.
  9. Had 3 oil soaked curry puff.
  10. Had 2 cans of non-diet soft drinks.
The target for this final week is simple, but challenging. 9 hours of exercise for the entire week. It can be as little or as many sessions as I want. So long as I collectively clock 9 hours.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Weight: 101Kg
CP for week 10: 65%
Reflection: I did go to the gym this week. Once. I was rather delighted late this week when I finally was able to do one proper chin up. Yay for me. That is really good news. This is the first chin up I could do in 7 years. yup... that long.

So. 2 weeks left. To meet my target, I have to lose 2Kg in 2 weeks. That would be a rather tall order. But I will try anyway. I won't give up reaching for my targeted goal just yet. A lot of things can happen in 2 weeks.
22th September (Monday) - Rest
23rd September (Tuesday) - Exercise 90 mins in the Gym
24th September (Wednesday) - Rest
25th September (Thursday) - Exercise 90 mins in the Gym
26th September (Friday) - Rest
27th September (Saturday) - Exercise 90 mins in the Gym
28th September (Sunday) - Exercise 90 mins in the Gym

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


  1. went to work
  2. got arrowed to do a bunch of misc stuff
  3. meeting.
  4. found out that come tomorrow, everyone will be looking to me for answers.
  5. unfortunately i have most of them.
  6. lunch, not too bad. fish, fish cake and peanuts. funny combo i know.
  7. went back, prepared for another meeting
  8. was pleasantly annoyed and surprised that not many turned up.
  9. I wrapped the meeting up in 40mins. that is like an Olympic record for meetings. On avg my meeting would be 3hrs.
  10. made a beeline for the office cubicle.
  11. sent out replies for remaining emails
  12. saw that coast was clear.
  13. turned off my mobile phone. not silent or vibrate but OFF.
  14. made a mad dash to the bus stop.
  15. did not look back.
  16. had dinner at home.
  17. guess what.... mum cooked fish. and people wonder why i like cats so much.
  18. in front of the computer, writing down my escapades.
  19. sneaking out of office today was like breaking out of prison.
  20. i am a free man.... YAY!
  21. going to report back to the warden tomorrow.
  22. BoooOOOooo
  23. time to call bambi.

Sunday, September 14, 2008



Weight: 101Kg
CP for week 9: 50%
Reflection: I did not go to the gym at all this week again. Again because of My weight did reduce this week though. I was expecting it to go down because all week I did not have much for dinner. I was more concerned about finishing my work and getting out of the office, and by the time I reached home, I was too tired to eat, so I just slept.

So once again, I am setting a very shallow target for this week. I'm determined to not stay back so late for work every single day. Twice to the gym.

Week 10. I have 3 more weeks to lose 2 Kg. I still believe I can make it. A little more discipline with the food part of the program and a little more effort to fulfill the exercise part of the program. That ought to do it.

Segue: I think you are a fantastic woman Bambi. Don't let negative words get you down. Chin up, move forward. two three four...two two three four!

15th September (Monday) - RT
16th September (Tuesday) - Rest
17th September (Wednesday) - Rest
18th September (Thursday) - Exercise 90 mins in the Gym
19th September (Friday) - Rest
20th September (Saturday) - RT
21th September (Sunday) - Exercise 90 mins in the Gym

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thank God I Can Go Home At 9pm

That was the thought I had today.
How screwed up is that?
I have been pulling 14 hour days for 2 weeks now to clear the mess others made.
I hardly have time to do actual work during regular hours with all the friggin meetings i have to attend. My email quota blew up ages ago and before I could clear it, I was chided because their email bounced when it was addressed to me.
I think I was a tad rude when I just handed them my card (containing my mobile number) and told them to call me directly if they had anything important, and I walked off.
I was eating my lunch only to have my personal space invaded by work questions. But this time round, I was rather diplomatic and told them my chicken was getting cold. They got the drift. Thankfully.
So here I am back home at 2136 typing out my frustrations because I managed to complete my action items by 2100hrs. I just shook my head when the "Thank God I can go home at 9pm" thought entered my mind. I muttered..I am one sick puppy to have thoughts like these.
tired... woof woof woof.....zzzzzzzz

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Weight: 102Kg
CP for week 8: 40%
Reflection: I did not go to the gym at all this week. I must say it is not due to laziness, it was due to work. I was out of the office at 8pm on average, dead tired. All I wanted to do each night was just bathe and sleep. I did not even have the mental capacity to enjoy my comic books, it was straight to bed. That was how tired I was. I did however, do the RT because well... that was forced on me. It was tough, it was pretty much run run run for 2 hours. It was not continuous, but on average, I jogged about 5km each time.

My weight did not reduce this week, I was just happy it did not go up again. Another thing I want to try this coming week is the limiting of carbohydrates in each of my meals. This is not so much for me to lose weight. I feel tired and lethargic after meals that are heavy on rice. I will shave some portions off in hope that I will be more alert and productive this coming week. From the looks of my back log in work, I would very much be happy if I could just squeeze in 2 sessions of gym this coming week realistically speaking.

Alright. Crunch time. The very last month and I have to lose 3Kg. I know I can do it. Despite not being able to go to the gym as often as I have previously, I believe I will be able to make the cut if I make changes to the way I eat, what I eat, when I eat and most importantly the amount I eat. This could very well be a good experiment. One more month folks, ALL THE WAY!
8th September (Monday) - RT
9th September (Tuesday) - Rest
10th September (Wednesday) - Rest
11th September (Thursday) - Exercise 90 mins in the Gym
12th September (Friday) - Rest (Dinner with Colleague)
13th September (Saturday) - RT
14th September (Sunday) - Exercise 90 mins in the Gym