Saturday, August 15, 2009


Finally found a shop that stocks business shirts that fit me. Most of the time the sleeves are too short and I find myself being 'trapped' in the shirt. I'll be a little like frankenstein, bcos i'll only be able to move my arms at a certain angle. Most of my shirts are large and most of these large shirts have way too much cloth around the waist, so in general, I will be able to fit into the shirt, but the extra cloth would make me look sloppy.
I have no difficulty getting short sleeved business shirts, it is the long sleeved ones that I have trouble with. I would go to the tailors if I do want a long sleeved business shirt to fit.

I was quite pleased to walk into this store - T M LEWIN - to find shirts that fit very well. I did not even know this brand existed. I believe up until a few months back, this brand of shirts is only sold in London.

I bought the 3 you see above (sans the ties). Very nice. The cloth feels soft and rich. the cut is fitting, and it is rather affordable. I got it at SGD$249 for 3 shirts with an additional 5 percent off because I used a certain credit card. I always imagined that these clothing shops frown on fat men, because they need more cloth to make a shirt for us and that would certainly bring their profit margin down.

I have to be more disciplined in the month of September, seeing how I have splurged quite a bit this month. But no regrets, all my purchases are quality ones, products that will last.


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