Friday, November 09, 2007

Will you fight for me?

That does not sound like something a guy would say right?
Guess not.
I feel quite blessed to be working with the people I work with now, (on most days anyway) , but many times I forget that many of them are oh so young. 21, 22 and some 24 years old.
Today, I was asked this question, "If I gave you a wish, what would you wish for?"
I replied, "If I'm given a wish, I'd wish the wish away."
I would not say I'm an old man. far from it, I'm just mature enough to know that in this life, one must fight for anything that is worth wishing, worth having , worth loving. If one was willing to simply use a single wish to fulfill a desire, than perhaps, the thing that was desired might not be worth desiring in the first place. You think?
So I got a big blur look from the faces of all these young ones. I think they will get what I'm trying to say later in their life. I hope so anyways. Some things cannot be taught, the person must be given a chance to catch life's hidden lessons on their own. No?
So I left it at that, choosing not to elaborate.
I returned to my cubicle, and for a moment, I count the many things that I would like to fight for. But I have not started to fight. I have many desires but the fights have not started because I'm crippled with the fear of failing. I know I will put up a good fight if only I have enough courage to start the fight. What a pickle I've nudged myself into...


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