Sunday, July 30, 2006

FD is an Organ Donor

So I'm now an official organ donor. There was a lot of thought put into this. I think that it is more pragmatic to give my organs away (upon my demise), rather than turning it into ashes. Giving a better quality of life to another person upon my death, that sits well with the big dawg... ya'll know what I'm sayin?
I would encourage everyone to consider being an organ donor. This is a link to FAQs.
So upon receiving the donor card, I gave Miss Bambi an sms expressing his joy. Here is the transcript of the funny sms exchange.
FD to Miss Bambi : Yay! I got my organ donor card. They are going to eviscerate me upon my death. I hope my buns of steel will go to someone worthy. You want first dibs? Bum transplant?
Miss Bambi to FD : FD! What nonsense. And no i do not want first dibs.
FD to Miss Bambi : Gee whiz, loosen up Bambi. Besides, it would be dangerous if my buns of steel fell into the wrong hands ... um that sounded wrong. i'll stop now. goodnight.


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