Monday, July 24, 2006

Value Added FD

Procastination. FD's Bane. No more!

Assuming that on average, a person would live to be 80 years old, then I have lived out 32.5% of his lifespan already.


So I've decided to add value to my life. How? I'm going to....

  1. Start reading all the books I bought but just found it's way from the bookstore to my book shelf. I'm going to commit myself to 1 whole hour of reading these abandoned books each day till the collection is read. On the last count there were 13 books. FD is going to start with THE DILBERT PRINCIPLE: A Cubicle's Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads & Other Workplace Afflictions. This book was purchased in 1995. I bought the first edition. ( Yes, you are allowed to gasp in disbelief )
  2. Resume learning his 3rd language - FRENCH. I started picking up this language 2 years ago. The language is quite facinating but the difficulty of mastering this language can be compared to say learning mandarin. To date, I bought 1 big ass dictionary, 1 verb book, 1 huge file of written notes and 2 comprehensive softwares. That ought to kick start this endeavour. So I will start with 2 hours a week.
  3. Cut back on watching TV. I'm watching way too much TV, so I'm going to limit myself to a maximum of 14 hours a week. Put your eyes back into your sockets, I know that 14 hours is still way too much TV but cutting down to 2 hours a day is already a challenge for me so back off ok. If this goes well and is maintained for 3 months then I will consider cutting back even more.

So that's how FD is going to add value to his life. Have you ever wondered how to add value to your life? Here are a couple of suggestions to get your mind juices flowing.

  1. Pick a NEW language to learn. If you suck at your primary language then improve it. Buy textbooks and software programs to help you. If you feel you want to learn a new language, then FD suggests Chinese, Spanish or English because they are rated as the most widely used languages in the world. They are rated 1st 2nd and 3rd respectively.
  2. Increase your knowledge. Instead of slurping up the latest celebrity gossip, pick up TIME magazine or The Economist or some other magazines that will inform you about WORLD news or about WORLD economies or some other WORLD information. Feed your mind.
  3. Cripple your fears. Try doing just ONE thing you always always wanted to do BUT was too afraid to try. If it is safe and your finances permit, go for it because there is no better day than today to overcome your fears. Besides, we are not getting any younger. Go For It!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m due to finish university in a year or so and am considering going backpacking across Asia, iv heard the countryside is beautiful and the people are so spiritual I think it could be an amazing opportunity to see the world. However I can only speak English and basic French, does anybody know if I would need to learn Hindi? Another problem is how to go about learning Hindi, or any other language that I would need! Is there any good language learning software available that’s pretty cheap?

Wed May 07, 10:09:00 PM 2008  

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