Monday, July 17, 2006

We Just Want to Be Heard !

I went to the gym this morning. I was on the threadmill and watching CNN at the same time during the warm up phase of my regime. The headlines was how North Korea's supreme dictator - Kim Jong ll broke the world record when he rejected a UN resolution in 45 minutes after its adoption.
In my mind I had a thought - He (Kim Jong ll) just want to be heard.
Seriously, think about it.
  1. Why are there terrorist?
  2. Why are many Singaporeans digusted by the way MICA handled the Mr Brown case?
  3. Why are car bombings becoming such a common occurance in the Middle-East?
  4. Why is Kim Jong ll hell bent on test firing his missles?
  5. Why has terrorist evolved from making and depositing bombs to strapping those very same bombs onto their bodies?
  6. Why do many Singaporeans feel so oppressed by the government even though most of us have a rather decent income compared to the rest of the world?


Let me tell you why. Because WE JUST WANT TO BE HEARD!


Do you really think those extremist really got nothing better to do than blow themselves up? I am sure there was a time when they were open to options. But these options were taken away from them one by one. They cry out to those in power but it fell on deaf ears. They tear their garments and heap ashes on their heads and wail " WHY IS NO ONE LISTENING? ". This is how I think it all went down. One fine day, someone stood up in the midst of the multitudes and said " We cannot wait any longer, we suffer while those in power decide our fates in summits and conventions, we tried to go the way of peace, we held our tongue as tightly as we held onto our hopes, we spoke we cried we wailed we screamed we pleaded we begged, but no more, they won't listen, well, WE WILL MAKE THEM LISTEN! We will make them listen to their children cry as our children did, we will bring down their pride as we bring down their buildings, we will scorch the sky in crimson red fuelled by the blood of the oppressed, they won't listen, well, WE WILL MAKE THEM LISTEN!"


Am I crazy? Seriously think about it. I'm not a terrorist sympatizer, but I cannot help but wonder, would the world be a much safer place to live in, if someone had just took an active role in advocating for these people. I know that the world is full of idiots, so not all requests/demands should be met but I believe that this current generation would not see the likes of HUMAN BOMBS if someone had just listened and acted to improve their cuurent state of well-being.


The same scenario with the PAP. We Singaporeans are not stupid people, we are not beyond reason. We have eyes. We see that the country has come a long way from its humble beginnings. We see progress. We see competent leadership. But has PAP ever wondered why despite all these, many of its citizens still feel oppressed? Seriously, the PAP gives me an impression that they don't care. It is almost like this government is telling me " We won 82 out of the 84 seats in parliment. So we can do whatever the hell we want. Don't like it? Too bad. Write about it? We'll sue! Comment about it? Risk losing your jobs. Want to talk about it? Too bad, it is not in my agenda and it is certainly not election time so no time to listen to you, we've got better things to do, we have a nation to run you know?"

Like I've said, we Singaporeans are not stupid people, we are not beyond reason, the problem is, PAP doesn't want to reason, it just wants dictate, it is telling us " You don't talk, You just shut up and listen to everything I say and follow suit. "

I can't wait to see how a nation, nay, how the world will respond when the people in power finally stop what they are doing and say. " Sorry for the wait. We are willing to listen. Please feel free to Speak."


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