Sunday, July 09, 2006

Reality Gives FD a Face Five

FD have raised the white flag. FD will fight it no more. FD admits he is old(er).
  1. I sprained my back when I was in the gym. I got up too quickly as I was trying to return the newspapers back to the rack. One sign of aging.
  2. When I went to Starbucks for a grande decaf rasberry latte, the girl at the counter said "Wow, not working today, on leave, so lucky?" She assumed that FD was a working adult despite my attire that friday afternoon - Happening T-Shirt and 3/4 Bermudas. Second sign of aging
  3. I'm now an uncle. I have got one nephew and one neice (my first cousin's children). 3rd sign of aging.
  4. I'm conscious about my health now. I'm thinking about calorie intake, about blood pressure, about clogged arteries, about taking multi-vitamins, etc.... 4th sign of aging.
  5. My teenage cousin has never heard of Frank Sinatra. 5th sign of aging.
  6. The discussion during my chow time includes comparisons on current home interest rates, which car dealer has the best after sale service and the one I dread the most - topics on finding a mate to procreate.


After much thought. I say "Screw it". So what, I'm not the first one to grow old(er).


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