Thursday, July 13, 2006

Living Christianity #1 - The Hardest Rule to Follow

This would be the first post that I would write regarding his beliefs, spirituality and religion. I had been asked many questions on this topic over the years. Few of these questions still linger in my mind because the answers to these questions are ever evolving.


"You are a Chrsitian right FD, so what is the hardest rule you have had to struggle with?"

- Miss non-Christian


My friend isn't a Chrsitian so the word ' rule ' is used. Using the word ' rule ' may give the impression that today's Church leadership as being harsh and totalitarian. But in effect, it is quite the opposite. The Bible says do this and do that but it always gives reasoning and all of these rules are there to benefit the believer. The Bible compels us to think, but it never forces it's truth down our throats. That by the way is how one identifies cults in this modern age. Cults say " Do not think, we will do the thinking for you, so rest your weary minds and follow our lead. " The Church of Christ says " Here are a set of rules for better living, do it or do not do it will be entirely up to you, think about it, try it, test it with time, and let your experience bear witness to the outcome of your obedience or disobedience. "


Many apologies, I digressed a little. So to answer the above question, I confess that one of the hardest rule for me to follow is this:

Romans 12:15 " Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. "

It is easy for me to weep with those who weep, come on admit it, misfortunes are so easy to handle, you empathise with the person but after all is said and done, the misfortune that happened to someone else would make you feel that your life suck a little less. Rejoice with those who rejoice... Seriously?

  1. You are going for a holiday? Where? I always wanted to go there, but YAY you are going japan, great! - Seriously?
  2. What? You were sipping a cappuccino on the sandy beach in the Bahamas? Great! what, the hotel gave you an upgrade to a delux suite? wow that's something! - Seriously?
  3. You won the jackpot? wow 3 million huh? Thinking of retiring huh? wow that's a good plan! - Seriously?

I can be happy that these fictional fortunate events happened to these fictional characters but to ask that I jump for joy, to REJOICE from the bottom of my heart..... seriously?

I got to have a major paradigm shift to do that. Work in progress.


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