I experienced 2 "Firsts" yesterday.
It was the first time I experienced one of life's melodramatic moments - "The One That Got Away"
Initially, for the better half of the morning, I kept telling myself that I ought not to be too saddened, after all, I did not invest any emotions to begin with. Nevertheless, I was sad.
It was the first time I expressed delight in my corporate career, after peering through the mountain - literally - of unfinished work on both my physical and electronic desktop. I just dived into it, attacking it with a vengeance, to numb my emotions, to compartmentalize my feelings, after all, work required no emotions, just facts, logic and common sense. And so, for 16 hours I just immersed myself in an ocean of meetings and mind-numbing work. Flat out.
At the end of those 16hours, I was tired, tired and hungry, more tired than hungry, so I focused all of my remaining energy on the final task for the day - getting home to the comfort of my room, to the comfort of my bed.
So this morning, it is with a clear head that I'm penning my thoughts down.
I realized that I feel a certain degree of sadness - for the one that got away - because I did invest a certain part of myself. I realized that the moment I felt a potential for furthering our relationship, I had nursed a hope. I had invested a hope. That's why I felt sad. I do not feel that sad anymore. I'm happy she has found the courage to enter into another relationship after her previous one ended on a low note. I'm happy she is moving on. I'm happy for her. I can still be a decent friend, her decent friend, that much I can do, that much I will do.
So to my friend with a penchant for luminous round objects, I wish you well, I hope you find happiness.