Once Broken Consider Yourself Screwed
The above picture was taken because I wanted to look into the implications of this common sign "Once Broken Considered Sold". A friend of mine once said that it was in fact illegal for shops to have these signs, she said that if this issue was brought before court, the judge would just throw it out (in Singapore courts anyway) - like frivolous McDonald's lawsuits, and on top of that, the police could not even arrest you. Why? Because you can/will only be held accountable if they can prove you had harmful intent or malice. So if whatever you did was an accident and there was no malice involved ( I say there was no malice, well, of course if there was a naughty intent, the shopkeeper could not prove a didily-squat, unless you're an idiot and confess everything) then you are free to just walk out the store without paying for anything. She made a rather good argument, but she was not a lawyer and could very well be yanking my chain, so I decided it was not in my best interest to test her theory out. Therefore, I made special effort not to break anything.
So anyway before I began to investigate on that common sign, I took a closer look at the picture. Do you see anything wrong with it? Let me tell you, if SOFT PLUSH TOYS could be broken, the store will have a lot more to worry about *cough*lawsuits*cough* than customers breaking their products. Can anybody spell the words C-H-O-K-I-N-G B-A-B-Y? I know I can.
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