TARGET SET - WEEK 12 (Final)
Weight: 102Kg
CP for week 11: 10%
The target for this final week is simple, but challenging. 9 hours of exercise for the entire week. It can be as little or as many sessions as I want. So long as I collectively clock 9 hours.
Weight: 102Kg
CP for week 11: 10%
Reflection: This week was a very bad week. I went to gym twice but I broke so may rules. Often several rules in a single day. I am not surprised I gained 1 Kg. I'm going to list out all the infractions for the entire week....
---------- Had a Japanese buffet and over ate.
- Has a full sized snickers candy bar.
- Had carbohydrates for dinner for 5 out of 7 days.
- Had a Korean hot pot dinner which I over ate again.
- had 2 red bean ice-cream on sticks.
- Had 3 heavy lunches.
- Had one snickers ice cream bar.
- Had one caramel almond pretzel.
- Had 3 oil soaked curry puff.
- Had 2 cans of non-diet soft drinks.
The target for this final week is simple, but challenging. 9 hours of exercise for the entire week. It can be as little or as many sessions as I want. So long as I collectively clock 9 hours.