Below 18.5 - Underweight
18.5 -24.9 - Normal
25 - 29.9 - Overweight
30 & Above - Obese
an opus of the real fd
Case 1 :
Taken from The Straits Times, Saturday August 19 2006, FORUM Section, Page H22, "Cop failed to check 'drunk' driver."
What happened?
Case 2 :
Taken from The Straits Times, Saturday August 16 2006, FORUM Section, Page H7, "Police explain actions taken in assault case."
What happened?
The difference between Section 323 and 325?
So what can My Negro Amigo conclude from these 2 cases?
Something is seriously screwed up with this system. Police are sticking so closely to administrative and procedural responsibilities, that they ignore their instincts altogether. Nevermind that someone is bleeding, nevermind that someone is drunk driving, better just stick to 'safe' responsibilities like issuing traffic summons, sending out riot police to disperse peaceful protests and warning those evil evil bloggers not to be partisan players.
Thus explaining why this product is flying off the shelves, despite costing a mind-boggling S$24.95
After 41 years, where is Singapore going?
After 41 years, do the colours of the Singapore flag still represent red for brotherhood and equality; white for purity and virtue?
After 41 years, do the 5 stars still represent Singapore's ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality?
I will hold his tongue for now. This will be my gift to this nation and her government.
Happy Birthday Singapore.
Name: Fredizzle Height: 1.79meters Weight: 114Kg
Have an honest talk about these questions. If these questions have cast doubts on your relationship, that just means one of two things:
The Conclusion:
TCC feels that Spring Court would be an excellent place to come for an above average chinese meal. Expect to fork out that much more money for this gastronomical experience.
Wah FD, you are on a very high horse hor***, can you sompa****and say that you have never done any of the above? - My Negro Amigo
I admit I've practised number 1 many times before, but not in the last 8 years and never again will he take part in this illegal behaviour. As for the rest, I can honestly say that I've never done so.
Perhaps that is why many carparks and multi-storey carparks have installed an EPS ( Electronic Parking System ) to combat number 1 and 2 but as for 3 and 4 ...
what do you think?
With my experience as a citizen of this country (26 years worth), I can tell you that it has been proven time and time again that only number 4 will work, because Singaporeans will only listen and respond to the ever widening crack in their wallets, everything else is just a fart in the wind.
* URA/HDB = Urban Redevelopment Authority/Housing Development Board
** Consequences = If a person is found to have placed insufficent coupons, a fine will be imposed according to the number of hours that has lapsed till the time of that inspection. ( i.e. if the warden comes at 1500hrs but the coupons are valid till 1300hrs then the driver is issued a fine of 2 hours, 4 x S$0.50 = S$2 along with some administrative charges. However if there is no valid coupon on the dashboard upon inspection, then a fine of S$30 is imposed along with administrative charges as well.
*** Hor : Another Singlish tag, used like a punctuation mark.
**** Sompa : Loosely translated as swear or promise.
Name: Fredizzle Height: 1.79 meters Weight: 115Kg
( Shit man, FD has put on weight again, this is getting a little disheartening, FD is doing all the right things. Damn. Maybe FD is doing too much weight resistance training, after all it is true that muscles weigh more than fats. FD's fitness level has definitely increased but why the weight increase? Sigh... )
Now how weird is that? First she asked me out, then she paid for dinner. She then asked me out again on a separate occasion to see a 'Guy' show and ended the evening by driving me home. How messed up is that? It is like a role reversal. It's bizzaro world. I should be the one doing that!
So what's up with the shark photo? Well, I nick-named her Megan because there is this photo of her that bears an uncanny resemblence to Megan - a character from sherman's lagoon. And the name stuck, so there you go.
Oh and she insists on some clarification on my part. She wants me to acknowledge that the dinner and movie was NOT a date, it was just an outing. So to appease her sharky-ness, I say, "sure it was an outing, no doubt about that... ( *cough*not*cough* ) "