Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Senseless Law

Case 1
Taxi Driver deliberately bangs man after a minor roadside accident. He's now on the brink of death. According to the law, the maximum penalty if found guilty: 2 years behind bars + SGD$1000 fine. (This was in the news)
Case 2
Under Section 377A of the Singapore Penal Code (gross indecency between men), if 2 CONSENSUAL men have sex with each other, and are caught, the maximum penalty is Life Imprisonment.
This to me is very wrong, very very wrong. Blatantly causing grievous hurt (the victim had part of his brain removed due to surmounting pressure caused by the collision) and the maximum penalty is 2 years jail... ONLY, and if that was not enough, the law had to add salt to the wounds of the victim's family by suggesting that a life is in part worth just SGD$1000.
On the other hand, 2 gay men who have sex with each other is imprisoned for life. I reiterate: 2 CONSENSUAL ADULT males having sex will land them in prison for the rest of their lives. Where is justice?
Let me be very clear about my stand concerning this issue with gay rights. I, FD, absolutely cannot agree with what they (homosexuals) do. If a gay couple will give me the privilege to voice my opinion concerning their lifestyle, I will say that I disagree with their views on sexual orientation but I will NEVER ever throw Bible verses in their faces much less agree with this antediluvian law.
One final thought. In my opinion, what the law is trying to say is this: Men having sex with each other deserves the same penalty as a person who has ATTEMPTED MURDER (this is fact, all written clearly in the penal code), however, reckless endangerment of another human being is worth about 2 years, and oh... a life is worth about 1000 bucks.
A friend of mine once called me a gay sympathizer. I told him "No, I just have a lot of sympathy toward human beings, for we certainly have a knack for making mistakes."


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