Perth Trip 2008 - Food Recap
I have listed a few places that I would like to patronize once again on my next trip back to Perth. I have filtered out the 'Alrights' and the 'Mediocre" and the 'Not too Bads', leaving you with the 'Definitely Must Try Agains'
I had a very nice breakfast at this place. The coffee was fantastic (5 Senses). I realized that in Australia, I had to ask for an additional shot of coffee when drinking lattes, otherwise it would just taste like warm milk to me. Their breads were fantastic, so was their big breakfast. I did find the bacon a little too salty, but perhaps that's just because it is bacon.
I had the most amazing pizza and coffee (Fiori). The pizza I had was a half n half. Half duck and half seafood. Very nice. The coffee is fantastic too. This pizzeria is in Busselton which is a little far to travel for pizza, but if I do travel down south, I will attempt to pop by for another slice - perhaps the one with deer meat topping aptly called 'Bambi'.


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