Pet Goldfish
about my pet goldfish to Bambi at all.
I cannot really say it is my pet goldfish,
more my mum's than anyone else.
The big boy at the back is the real hero. When my mum got him from my uncle, he was the size of 10 cent Australian coin. He really was bought as fish food for the other carnivorous fish in my uncle's tank.
He ended up in my mum's tank along with 11 other fish of the same size. He was the only one who survived and grew to his size today. His length - from mouth to tail - would be about four 50 cent Australian coins placed side by side.
The rest of the goldfish in this picture are new additions.
My mum felt the tank was rather empty, so she asked a few more from my uncle.
The new ones are younger. We observed them for a few days to ensure that they don't
bully big boy. He's our favorite you see.
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