Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Love with All its Conditions

I had this thought in my head that I think it best to pen down, lest I forget. It is about love. I believe that many times, the media - TV and Movies and Radio and Newspapers...etc - romanticise the idea of unconditional love. I however believe that most love relationships are conditional.
Love Between God and Man - UNCONDITIONAL
Needless to say, this is unconditional love. You know the story. We Sinners, HE holy. We undeserving. HE sacrificed... ok read the rest of it in the gospels, it is all there.
Love Between Parent and Child - UNCONDITIONAL
I think there is something special about the relationship between parent and child. Parents (well most anyway) give give and give some more. Most do not think of what the child can give back in return. The child may behave is any distasteful fashion, but the parent will still love the child. That's being unconditional.
Love Between Husband and Wife - CONDITIONAL
We have seen it before. Man declares his undying love for (what he believes to be) his soul mate. But really, the relationship between a man and a woman is conditional. No matter how loving and devoted the couple may be, it is untrue that their relationship is based on unconditional love. A couple is expected to stay devoted to one another. Condition. A couple is expected to be intimate with each other only, i.e. no hanky panky with the office secretary. Condition. The couple is expected to be truthful to each other. Condition. A couple is expected to remain faithful - both physically and emotionally to each other. Condition. The list goes on.
So although it puts a damper on the romance portion of couplehood from courtship to marriage, it is a salient truth that for certain "loves", conditions are attached.


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