Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Weight: 100Kg
CP % for Week 20: 75%
Workout Hours: 6 hours out of the targeted 7 hours.

Reflection: These 2 week have been rather trying. There have been (and going to be) many big dinners. 4 dinners - big ones - in 2 weeks. 2 down 2 to go. I must admit I overate a little for the first 2. Not till the point where I feel so very bloated but I did carry on eating beyond the point when I felt no hunger. I guess that is the trouble with me in buffets, I find it so hard to stop. No self control. The next (last) 2 meals is also buffets. I have to exercise some restraint. I would not want all my effort to go to waste.

Work has been crazy. I find I have little time to exercise. On most working days, I get to reach the gym approximately 3 hours before they close so I can get a good 90 min work out. But these days I get to the gym 2 hours before they close and I only do an hour of exercise, perhaps 70 minutes sometimes. I do not want to do too much, else I will find it very hard to rest. later that night. My mind will be wide awake.

Nevertheless, I will retain the target of 7 hours for week 21. I do foresee that all this exercise is really for me to maintain my current weight. With all the good food I will be eating, it would be an up-hill task to see an drop in weight.

Week 21 >>>> 7 hours of exercise


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