Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
FD is an Organ Donor
Saturday, July 29, 2006
FD's Ideal Saturday
Friday, July 28, 2006
FD's New Mascot
Thursday, July 27, 2006
FD could have been Hibiscus

Well, I know of another person whom I address as Mum. Her maiden name is Rose. Can anyone make a wild guess as to what I thanked God for this morning?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Banks - The Legal Loansharks
- With regards to Buying a Car. I will choose the car with one resolute criteria - whatever car I choose, it would be ideal for me to pay in full without taking a loan from the bank, but if that ideal scenario is beyond my financial ability then I must be able to pay at least 70% of the total cost of the car, taking a loan of only 30% of the car's value. What I don't understand is this, many people take up a loan from the bank when their financial situation allows them to pay for the car in full, this would be wise only if they use that amount of money in an investment which would cover or exceed the interest rates that the bank imposes on them for that loan. However, I observed that many people take up a huge loan and pay small amounts over many years just so they won't feel the initial pinch of having to fork out a huge amount of money for a car. That is the pinnacle of foolery.
- With regards to Housing Loans. If I want to buy a HDB flat, I will start small, say a three room or four room flat, not a big-ass five room, executive flat or worse still, a condominium, which costs heaps of money. I understand that not many people have the ability to buy the house in full, come on, if anyone can do that, they probably would not be living in a flat in the first place. So the rule of this game? START SMALL, buy a flat which you can comfortably afford, get the smallest loan from the bank that you possibly can and aim to pay off your loans in as little time as you possibly could. I also observed that many people claim that they want to purchase property for investment as well as to put a roof over their heads. " Hello, wake up your idea lah! " If it was that easy, the property market would be perpetually saturated and you would not get fantastic returns anyway. So rule of thumb - Start Small. Remember, you do not know what the future holds, in the event of retrenchment or some other bad stuff happenning, big stacks of money trumps over big house. ( unless you have an appetite for bricks )
- With regards to Credit Cards. For crying out loud lah, DO NOT SPEND MORE THAN YOU EARN. This also FD must teach, wah piang eh*. Once again it is all fine and dandy if you pay up ON TIME, EVERY TIME! The trouble comes when you don't! Credit card interest rates can snowball into a sizeable amount. Bankruptcy lurks at the corridoors of financial ignorance. The best is to apply for a Debit Card instead of a Credit Card. Why? Look here for Mr Wang's explanation.
Yes, I've a credit card, it is a supplementary card FD senior gave me, but let me tell you this, the 4 years which I held this card, I only used it 3 times, only when it was absolutely necessary. Anyway, I wishes you all the best. Think -> Plan -> Execute. Remember Banks are simply Legal Loansharks, don't let their smiles or friendly service fool you into a false sense of security.
*Wah Piang Eh: Hokkien Term. Probably the most common Singlish expression of all, it is used in much the same way as "oh my goodness", "wow", or "damn!", depending on the tone used, and the context.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
FD Crashed

- Have you ever taken a public transport, only to move to a different area of that transport when a certain race boards that transport and sits or stands beside you?
- In your mind, do you consider certain races to be more conniving, less productive and more prone to execute criminal acts?
- Have you ever percieved certain races to be of a lower strata of society?
- Have you ever made discriminatory remarks based on the color or attire or smell of certain races, even if it was spoken in jest?
- Have you ever thought of yourself as being ' better ' than other races?
Cat got your tongue huh?
I will tell you another snippet about himself as a prelude to the point I'm trying to make. Back when I was in kindergarden, I had a very traumatic experience. Till this day, my family know not of this incident because I just brushed it aside as I grew older. But this incident left a mark on me which was not dealt with until much later in my life. What happened? Well one day, when I was lining up, waiting to enter the playroom ( where all the toys were ) an Indian MALE student went and forcefully planted a kiss on my cheek. After that day, I would look out for that student and poised myself for a fight if that student ever tried to do that again. Unfortunately, before the year ended, I was caught off-guard a few more times.
I believe that because of this incident, I have always had hints of racism in me towards the Indian race in Singapore. Like I've mentioned before, it was all subtle, I did not punch every Indian that crosses my path but I would deliberately position himself in the presence of non-Indians. In fact, for almost 2 decades, I did not step foot in Little India ( A place located in Singapore to celebrate Indian culture, very much like a Chinatown for Indians ). Later on in my life, I believe God dealt with my heart, because it was a half-Indian that brought me to Christ ( i.e. Mother was a Chinese but Father was an Indian ). And it was only after I was exposed to the Bible, that I began to change my mindset, albeit with much racist influences surrounding me. I will not elaborate on that.
I believe that God was not through with me yet. This was evident when I left to pursue my higher education overseas. As it turned out, in that point of my life, one of my most trusted friend and confidant turned out to be an Indian. CRASH struck a chord with me, although it was just another Hollywood production, it protrays vivid instances of racism - blatant and subtle - and it's consequences.
"...I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today ..." - [ Martin Luther King Jr, " I Have A Dream" Speech ]
I would like to have the same dream as Martin Luther King Jr. Oh, and by the way, 2 decades after that incident in kindergarden, I got kissed on the cheeks by yet another Indian - a FEMALE one lah. Her name? Haha... I'm currently addicted to life so I cannot divulge her name.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Value Added FD
Assuming that on average, a person would live to be 80 years old, then I have lived out 32.5% of his lifespan already.
So I've decided to add value to my life. How? I'm going to....
- Start reading all the books I bought but just found it's way from the bookstore to my book shelf. I'm going to commit myself to 1 whole hour of reading these abandoned books each day till the collection is read. On the last count there were 13 books. FD is going to start with THE DILBERT PRINCIPLE: A Cubicle's Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads & Other Workplace Afflictions. This book was purchased in 1995. I bought the first edition. ( Yes, you are allowed to gasp in disbelief )
- Resume learning his 3rd language - FRENCH. I started picking up this language 2 years ago. The language is quite facinating but the difficulty of mastering this language can be compared to say learning mandarin. To date, I bought 1 big ass dictionary, 1 verb book, 1 huge file of written notes and 2 comprehensive softwares. That ought to kick start this endeavour. So I will start with 2 hours a week.
- Cut back on watching TV. I'm watching way too much TV, so I'm going to limit myself to a maximum of 14 hours a week. Put your eyes back into your sockets, I know that 14 hours is still way too much TV but cutting down to 2 hours a day is already a challenge for me so back off ok. If this goes well and is maintained for 3 months then I will consider cutting back even more.
So that's how FD is going to add value to his life. Have you ever wondered how to add value to your life? Here are a couple of suggestions to get your mind juices flowing.
- Pick a NEW language to learn. If you suck at your primary language then improve it. Buy textbooks and software programs to help you. If you feel you want to learn a new language, then FD suggests Chinese, Spanish or English because they are rated as the most widely used languages in the world. They are rated 1st 2nd and 3rd respectively.
- Increase your knowledge. Instead of slurping up the latest celebrity gossip, pick up TIME magazine or The Economist or some other magazines that will inform you about WORLD news or about WORLD economies or some other WORLD information. Feed your mind.
- Cripple your fears. Try doing just ONE thing you always always wanted to do BUT was too afraid to try. If it is safe and your finances permit, go for it because there is no better day than today to overcome your fears. Besides, we are not getting any younger. Go For It!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
My Negro Amigo Bites Back #1

Saturday, July 22, 2006
PETA Uses Wrong Equation
*PETA = People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Friday, July 21, 2006
An OxyMORON of a Government Body
Thursday, July 20, 2006
2 Things That Saddened Me
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
FD is S$180 Poorer
- I'm grateful for 6 years worth of free dental services provided during my primary education.
- I thought only Singaporean ministers are paid world-class salaries? Dentists also meh*?
- I must take better care of his teeth, because it is getting too expensive to be lackadaisical when it comes to my dental health.
But to be fair, I did have a much needed plaque removal and 3 cavaties to fill, so on hindsight, perhaps S$180 isn't such a exorbitant amount to pay for 3 years of neglect.
* Meh: Singlish tag which accompanies questions. Adds a slight tone of incredulity.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
A Tip For Da Ladies
Monday, July 17, 2006
We Just Want to Be Heard !
- Why are there terrorist?
- Why are many Singaporeans digusted by the way MICA handled the Mr Brown case?
- Why are car bombings becoming such a common occurance in the Middle-East?
- Why is Kim Jong ll hell bent on test firing his missles?
- Why has terrorist evolved from making and depositing bombs to strapping those very same bombs onto their bodies?
- Why do many Singaporeans feel so oppressed by the government even though most of us have a rather decent income compared to the rest of the world?
Let me tell you why. Because WE JUST WANT TO BE HEARD!
Do you really think those extremist really got nothing better to do than blow themselves up? I am sure there was a time when they were open to options. But these options were taken away from them one by one. They cry out to those in power but it fell on deaf ears. They tear their garments and heap ashes on their heads and wail " WHY IS NO ONE LISTENING? ". This is how I think it all went down. One fine day, someone stood up in the midst of the multitudes and said " We cannot wait any longer, we suffer while those in power decide our fates in summits and conventions, we tried to go the way of peace, we held our tongue as tightly as we held onto our hopes, we spoke we cried we wailed we screamed we pleaded we begged, but no more, they won't listen, well, WE WILL MAKE THEM LISTEN! We will make them listen to their children cry as our children did, we will bring down their pride as we bring down their buildings, we will scorch the sky in crimson red fuelled by the blood of the oppressed, they won't listen, well, WE WILL MAKE THEM LISTEN!"
Am I crazy? Seriously think about it. I'm not a terrorist sympatizer, but I cannot help but wonder, would the world be a much safer place to live in, if someone had just took an active role in advocating for these people. I know that the world is full of idiots, so not all requests/demands should be met but I believe that this current generation would not see the likes of HUMAN BOMBS if someone had just listened and acted to improve their cuurent state of well-being.
The same scenario with the PAP. We Singaporeans are not stupid people, we are not beyond reason. We have eyes. We see that the country has come a long way from its humble beginnings. We see progress. We see competent leadership. But has PAP ever wondered why despite all these, many of its citizens still feel oppressed? Seriously, the PAP gives me an impression that they don't care. It is almost like this government is telling me " We won 82 out of the 84 seats in parliment. So we can do whatever the hell we want. Don't like it? Too bad. Write about it? We'll sue! Comment about it? Risk losing your jobs. Want to talk about it? Too bad, it is not in my agenda and it is certainly not election time so no time to listen to you, we've got better things to do, we have a nation to run you know?"
Like I've said, we Singaporeans are not stupid people, we are not beyond reason, the problem is, PAP doesn't want to reason, it just wants dictate, it is telling us " You don't talk, You just shut up and listen to everything I say and follow suit. "
I can't wait to see how a nation, nay, how the world will respond when the people in power finally stop what they are doing and say. " Sorry for the wait. We are willing to listen. Please feel free to Speak."
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Those Pesky People
- THESE people are those that halt pedestrians along crowed walkways and ask for donations.
- THESE people are those from the various banks that aggressively halt pedestrians to tell of their latest promotions.
- THESE people are those who deliberately act blur toward my body language which screams "LEAVE ME ALONE!".
- THESE people are those you had the audacity to forcefully halt me, give a hand signal for me to take my earphones off so that I may listen to what he has to say.
- THESE people are those who just do not understand the meaning of ' NO '.
To all THESE people, I understand that it is your job, I understands that you have a heart for whatever charity you are with. BUT THIS IS IT. I will not take it lying down any longer. This is what I will do from now onward.
- I will give donations directly to charities of my choice. I will not entertain anyone asking for donations on the streets.
- I will ignore all of THESE people. I will treat them like they do not exist. No more replies. No more eye contact. Nada.
- I will physically stop for absolutely none of THESE people.
- For those who dare forcefully halt me ( I hope it does not come to this ), I will unleash My Negro Amigo to give that person a thorough tongue lashing. Simply put, My Negro Amigo will publically ask that person to fuck off.
I have absolutely had it up to my neck already. No, it is even fair to say I'm bloody pissed off by THESE people who just do not know their boundaries. I was nice and gave THESE people an inch, they in turn ask for 3,000,000 light years. No more. Let THESE people be warned.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
When we brought him home, Logan was all inquisitive, as a kitten ought to be, but that lasted for a few moments before he just jumped onto the couch and slept. Logan sleeps a lot, and what's even more unusual was the sleeping position he adopted as a kitten, always preferring to lie on his back. Logan seldom made any noise, 'meows' are few and far between, and more often than not, it's just his way of saying " I AM HUNGRY!"
He has brought so much joy in my life, very naughty at times, but so very loveable. He made me want to rush home from school, just to 'hug him to pieces'. He hates that, always giving me the look when I hug him too tightly but all is forgiven once I serve him his meal. He is a very people cat, not the kind that will be constantly at your feet but he like to be around people, he would just jump on the couch while we're watching TV and just sleep, oblivious to the noise. I remembered once, when I left my door open at night, Logan actually climbed onto my bed to sleep beside me, and when I threw him out, he came back again, only this time he decided to sleep on my face! That's right, I actually felt his furry butt on my face, I don't know whether to laugh or to spank him first. I chose the former.
* Richie was my housemate and Co-Owner of Logan
Name: FreDizzle Height: 1.79meters Weight:111Kg
Friday, July 14, 2006
The Affordable Holiday
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Living Christianity #1 - The Hardest Rule to Follow
This would be the first post that I would write regarding his beliefs, spirituality and religion. I had been asked many questions on this topic over the years. Few of these questions still linger in my mind because the answers to these questions are ever evolving.
"You are a Chrsitian right FD, so what is the hardest rule you have had to struggle with?"
- Miss non-Christian
My friend isn't a Chrsitian so the word ' rule ' is used. Using the word ' rule ' may give the impression that today's Church leadership as being harsh and totalitarian. But in effect, it is quite the opposite. The Bible says do this and do that but it always gives reasoning and all of these rules are there to benefit the believer. The Bible compels us to think, but it never forces it's truth down our throats. That by the way is how one identifies cults in this modern age. Cults say " Do not think, we will do the thinking for you, so rest your weary minds and follow our lead. " The Church of Christ says " Here are a set of rules for better living, do it or do not do it will be entirely up to you, think about it, try it, test it with time, and let your experience bear witness to the outcome of your obedience or disobedience. "
Many apologies, I digressed a little. So to answer the above question, I confess that one of the hardest rule for me to follow is this:
Romans 12:15 " Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. "
It is easy for me to weep with those who weep, come on admit it, misfortunes are so easy to handle, you empathise with the person but after all is said and done, the misfortune that happened to someone else would make you feel that your life suck a little less. Rejoice with those who rejoice... Seriously?
- You are going for a holiday? Where? I always wanted to go there, but YAY you are going japan, great! - Seriously?
- What? You were sipping a cappuccino on the sandy beach in the Bahamas? Great! what, the hotel gave you an upgrade to a delux suite? wow that's something! - Seriously?
- You won the jackpot? wow 3 million huh? Thinking of retiring huh? wow that's a good plan! - Seriously?
I can be happy that these fictional fortunate events happened to these fictional characters but to ask that I jump for joy, to REJOICE from the bottom of my heart..... seriously?
I got to have a major paradigm shift to do that. Work in progress.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Anyone Got a Mute button?
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Ask Bambi : Column 1

- You say you are going nowhere. I say you are just giving yourself and excuse to go nowhere. Have a vision and make healthy DAILY achievable goals that will propel you toward your vision.
- You say you do not know what job suits you. I say just get one! Start somewhere and work out a path that will take you where you want to go, but START somewhere. I know for sure that you will be going nowhere if you remain where you are. And that's the hard truth.
- You say you are fat. I say it is evident you are not happy with your current weight, I understand that weight issues can be linked to a myriad of psychological issues, self esteem being one of them. So I say join the gym. There are no magic pills, secret diets or quick surgical alternatives. There is the threadmill and a balanced diet. FD has started a challenge for himself a few posts back, have a read, it might kick you in the right direction.
- You say you are living with your parents. I gather you do not want to live with your parents. If that be the case then pay even more attention to step 2. Get a job, save up to get financial security and you may leave as soon as you can pay rent or service a housing loan.
- You say that you do not have a suitable life partner. I will cut to the chase and tell you what you are really thinking. You feel you are fat, useless, jobless, penniless, living with your parents and going nowhere, and that's why no one wants you. I say, learn to love yourself, you have to know that YOU ARE WORTH IT. Let your aim be to better yourself, and once you can say the words in bold, you will be more likely to be in a real, long-lasting, fulfilling, loving relationship. Let me say this, going into a relationship broken will break the relationship.
- You say that you do not have many close friends. I say I can't help you. Why? Because friendships are forged not forced. If you have made it through steps 1 - 5 then you will be able to say, IT IS THEIR LOSS not mine. But have a real think about it, give yourself an honest personality evaluation, then keep the good and kick the bad.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Reality Gives FD a Face Five
- I sprained my back when I was in the gym. I got up too quickly as I was trying to return the newspapers back to the rack. One sign of aging.
- When I went to Starbucks for a grande decaf rasberry latte, the girl at the counter said "Wow, not working today, on leave, so lucky?" She assumed that FD was a working adult despite my attire that friday afternoon - Happening T-Shirt and 3/4 Bermudas. Second sign of aging
- I'm now an uncle. I have got one nephew and one neice (my first cousin's children). 3rd sign of aging.
- I'm conscious about my health now. I'm thinking about calorie intake, about blood pressure, about clogged arteries, about taking multi-vitamins, etc.... 4th sign of aging.
- My teenage cousin has never heard of Frank Sinatra. 5th sign of aging.
- The discussion during my chow time includes comparisons on current home interest rates, which car dealer has the best after sale service and the one I dread the most - topics on finding a mate to procreate.
After much thought. I say "Screw it". So what, I'm not the first one to grow old(er).
Saturday, July 08, 2006
My Silhouette Looks Fit
- I will be accountable to all you FAT people out there trying to do the same thing. I will admit it first, no matter what Oprah Whinfrey says, I'm doing this to look good. I'm vain. I think that being healthy is a good idea but for now I'm motivated because I feel FAT and ugly. I have a low self-esteem as it is, being FAT does not help.
- I will hit the gym 4 times a week. Specifically, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. On Tuesday and Saturday, I will hit the swimming pool.
- Each Gym session consists of 2 hours of cardio workout. That means two hours of sweating and panting for breath, followed by one hour of weights training. Each swimming session consists of 2 hours of relaxed, continuous swimming.
- I'm not crazy. I'm setting a realistic target of one whole year. I think this is a good idea because I will not feel disappointed and be tempted to quit if I do not see results after one month.
- No eating of ANYTHING after 1900hrs. Eat nothing that contains sugars and complex carbohydrates (i.e. cakes, ice-cream....) and No eating white goods (i.e. rice, noodles, bread, pasta... ) for dinner.
So here it is. No holds Barred. FD will post his height and weight at the bottom of his saturday posts so readers can condem or commend accordingly.
[ Wah lau eh, you got me used to a bungalow, now you want me to move into a 3-room HDB flat, where got meaning? ] - Mr Holiday
Blardee Hell, cannot be more supportive ah Mr Holiday.
[ Give me a GOG, Give me a OGO, Give me a FDF, Give me a DFD, gooooOOOOO freDizzle, GO GO GO FD FD FD ] - Ms Bambi
Thank you Bambi, you're the best.
[ Don't worry FD, I gotcha back, after all, we are all God's children in the dark. ] - My Negro Amigo
Up Yours my negro amigo!
Name: FreDizzle Height: 1.79 meters Weight: 115Kg
Friday, July 07, 2006
Sorry, I Did Not Mean to Have an Opinion
- Reducing national service from 30 months to 24 months and increasing the pay of NSFs. I have served the army already and this does not affect me at all but I'm happy that this idea wasn't shelved perpetually, and that someone in MINDEF (Ministry of Defense) actually took the trouble to review this matter. Why? Because 30 months in a guys life is really a long time and the increased pay gives NSF's some affirmation that their country doesn't treat them like Bangladesh workers. Seriously, We do more shit work than training in the army.
- Introducing the Community Court. This court deals mostly with minors. When we were young, we all did stupid things, with varying degrees of stupidity. Sometimes the consequences of doing that stupid thing is too much for a child to bear. Instead of throwing the person in jail (even if it is for 1 day) and have that on that person's permanent record, effectively destroying the person's life, this court exercises certain powers of discretion, giving these delinquents heaps of community work, counselling and curfews amongst other things to get their life back on track. Thumbs up to the govenment on that one.
- Rehabilitation of convicts. The government have stepped up efforts to helps convicts intergrate back into society (the yellow ribbon project). These people have done something bad but I believe that after serving their time, they deserve a real second chance. Two thumbs up to the government on that one.
I have decided to imprison my negro amigo for this post, because I know that he'll come out guns blazing with less than desirable language preferences, if given a chance to form an opinion on this matter.
Lastly, if Ms K Bhavani is angry at FD for having an opinion, then FD says "Sorry lah, don't sue me please, tolong*, I did not mean to have an opinion, I will try to stupify himself more next time."
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Here's to You Ah-ma
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Pimp it up, A' ight